Join us in Brooklyn, NY, on April 17th 2024 for the most anticipated marketing event of the year.
Join us at DOLAH '24 on April 17th in Brooklyn's Industry City for a no-nonsense, hands-on exploration of digital marketing. Escape the mundane talking-head conference circuit and enter a vibrant gathering where real marketers will challenge you to think differently about marketing in the AI era.
We're cutting through the fluff to focus squarely on what AI really means for results-driven marketers on the ground.
DOLAH '24 promises a day packed with actionable learning, lively debates, and the opportunity to challenge and build on the ideas that drive us forward. We're here to share knowledge—creating a platform where every attendee can contribute, question, and leave with real, applicable wisdom in the fast-evolving world of digital marketing and AI.
Located in beautiful Industry City and easily accessible from anywhere in the NYC region, including a short subway ride from Manhattan or 30 minute drive from JFK and LGA airports.
AdVenture's DOLAH content is fresh, fun and most importantly, useful. Highly recommend attending in person ... you won't regret it.
DOLAH isn't really a conference. It's an incredibly great way to learn about paid media while meeting some of the best people the industry has to offer.
Big, small, or in-between—if you're looking for innovative and tested strategies to increase your performance media results this year, DOLAH 24 is for you.
View our integrated sponsorship opportunities below to see how DOLAH can help introduce your brand, software, tech, or business solutions to our highly-engaged live and virtual attendees.
Join over 400 in-person attendees and hundreds online at DOLAH, where your brand gains unparalleled exposure through integrated and interactive sponsorship experiences. Our platform offers more than just event visibility—it's an investment in sustained engagement with the marketing
Why Sponsor DOLAH?
Don't miss this unique opportunity to showcase your brand at the forefront of the marketing industry. Submit the form below to discover the benefits awaiting you at each sponsorship tier.
Custom communications strategy + official co-branding
Profit share on post-event content revenue (via AdVenture Academy)
Dedicated 30 minute keynote presentation during DOLAH
Dedicated, recorded live-stream Q&A session with remote attendees
Dedicated post-event keynote promotion to 300,000+ marketers
Full event co-branding and signage
20 conference tickets
Breakfast with VIP attendees
Dedicated 30 minute main-stage presentation during DOLAH
Dedicated post-event keynote promotion to 300,000+ marketers
Dedicated, recorded live-stream Q&A session with remote attendees
Event branding and signage
20 conference tickets
Breakfast with VIP attendees
Collaborative 30-minute main stage presentation with AdVenture team
Sponsor breakout room
Dedicated, recorded live-stream Q&A session with remote attendees
5 VIP Premium conference tickets
50% off all additional tickets
Logo inclusion on all online and onsite branding
Post-conference attendee list for one-time mailing use
Sponsor breakout room
Dedicated 20-minute breakout room presentation or product demo
5 VIP Premium conference tickets
50% off all additional tickets
Logo inclusion on all online and onsite branding
3 VIP Premium Conference Tickets
50% off up to 5 additional tickets
Logo inclusion on all online and onsite branding
Logo inclusion on all online and onsite branding
Logo inclusion on all live-stream transition cards
5-minute Q&A with live-stream host to pitch company or product
5 free live-stream tickets
50% off up to 5 tickets
Logo inclusion on all online and onsite branding
3 free live-stream tickets
50% off up to 5 tickets
Get in touch with us below if you have a less frequently asked question that we didn't address here.
Let’s get in touch.
1074 Broadway
Woodmere, NY
1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd
Suite 2013
Philadelphia, PA
333 Las Olas Way
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The only digital marketing day of learning hosted by actual digital marketers. Join us April 17th in NYC for what promises to be a day of learning and happiness that you won't soon forget.